Dress Code for JEMS Camps

JEMS has a dress code for all JEMS camps.  Below is the exact quotation from the JEMS cabin leader manual:

"Finally brethren, whatever is true, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.” Philippians 4:8

Camp is a wonderful time to worship God and draw closer to Him. That being said, we need not distract ourselves or our fellow brothers and sisters with inappropriate attire that will potentially take away from the camp experience.

These are the guidelines of appropriate dress and cabin leaders and core staff as well as conferees are strongly urged and expected to follow them.

The following is not an exhaustive list of what not to wear, so remember to use your best judgment and encourage this in your conferees. Remember, when in doubt, don’t wear it.  Also staff, remember that we are examples to the conferees, so we need to set a good example at camp of what to wear and what not to wear.

What NOT to wear:

Girls – two piece swimwear, strapless shirts, halter tops and spaghetti strap tanks, bare midriff or low cut shirts and short shorts or micro mini skirts, anything sheer or see through

Guys – Ribbed tank tops (some times referred to as “wife beaters”) and shirts with vulgar text, pants or shorts that expose their underwear.

What to wear:

Girls and Guys - Comfortable summer clothes for the day and comfortable warmer clothes for colder evenings.

Remember:  Be a good example to the conferees.  Don't wear provocative, suggestive, or revealing clothing that could be a distraction to others, and especially to our campers.