PLEASE WRITE TO YOUR CAMPER AT LEAST ONCE DURING CAMP (mail by Sunday so that it is delivered to camp by the end of the week):
Name of Camper
c/o JEMS Special Camp
Mount Hermon Ponderosa Lodge
4600 Graham Hill Rd
Felton, CA 95018
- For those families/guardians who will be picking up their campers at the end of the week: Please make a BIG NOTE on your calendar so that you remember to get to camp to pick up your camper at 11:30 a.m. on Saturday.
- Due to COVID-19 related precautions, no visitors will be permitted during camp week, other than those specifically permitted by camp directors for camp-related business and ministry. Thank you for your understanding.
- Please do not email, text, call, or otherwise communicate with staff (including camper care director) for updates/checkups regarding your camper during camp week. Aides, health supervisors, health triage, camper care director, camp directors are all very busy caring for your campers throughout the week. If there is need to communicate any status regarding your camper, they will be in touch with you. If there is an urgent need to communicate important information to Special Camp staff, please contact the camper care director only to communicate that information; camper care director will relay the information to appropriate staff, as needed. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.